Sonic Pressure

Virginia Hilyard and Sue Pedley

Sonic Pressure brings together a sequence of large-scale graphite rubbings and a soundscape. It is part of a 2017 body of work titled Lacuna that I produced during a collaborative residency with Virginia Hilyard at Bundanon, on the Shoalhaven River in NSW. 

We were drawn to the utilitarian objects scattered throughout the gardens and paddocks that surround the sandstone homestead. These structures, made of cement, metal, stone or timber, sit outside the heritage narrative of the site. In the act of making full-size graphite impressions of these objects, unseen textures, cavities, dips and holes were revealed.

Concurrently, we placed specialised microphones in, on and around these objects to capture their unique acoustic imprint and the sonic shapes of the spaces they occupy.

The work was exhibited in Occupied, a group exhibition at the Blue Mountains Art Centre in 2020.

Blue Mountains Arts Centre Australia
graphite, paper & sound
Documents | PDFS
1. Catalogue